Acting like a M-A-D dog?

Jo Ann Tomaselli ~ Visual & Verbal Reflections

Dog Art Graffiti in Cuba MAD DOG

Jo Ann Tomaselli ~ Fine Art Photography

When I find myself mad at global events the 1st thing I do is complain.
Followed by the question: But what can I do about it?
Not often enough do I ask:
How can I put my wishes for a better world into action? How can I serve?

“Our present time is indeed a … critical time
hovering between the wish
and the inability to believe.
Our complaints are like arrows
shot up into the air at no target and,
with no purpose,
they only fall back upon our own heads
and destroy ourselves” William Temple

I imagine Martin Luther King said it best when he wrote:
“Anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve.
You don’t have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve.
You don’t have to know about Plato and…

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